NCDOT Office of Civil Rights in partnershipwith the N.C. Commission of Indian Affairs.
Join state and local leaders as theydiscuss contracting opportunities,economic development initiativesand how to work with NCDOT.
Chief Ammie Gordon“Silver Eagle” Jacobs
Tunya SmithNCDOT
Ebony PittmanNCDOT
Candace LowryNCCIA
Trevor CarrollNCDOT
Lisa WilsonNCDOT
Trevor CarrollNCDOT
Lisa WilsonNCDOT
Greg RichardsonNCCIA
Tony HayesCMC Building, Inc
Candace LowryNCCIA
1–2:30 p.m.—Contracting opportunity presentations
2:30–4 p.m.—A roundtable discussion about certifications, compliance, supportive services, networking and much more.
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