Thomas Enterpreneurship Hub

Facility Rental

The Thomas Entrepreneurship Hub supports local entrepreneurs through education, networking events, its unique resources,
and professional assistance. We help start-ups and small businesses succeed and create jobs.

Facility Rental Agreements

Please complete the appropriate form based on your affiliation and email the completed form to

Types Of Agreements

For your convenience, you can download and fill out the necessary forms for these agreements using the links provided.

Payment Instructions

Below are the instructions for the different payment methods for the use of the facility.

Online Payment

For paying on UNCP Payment Portal click below.

Debit/Credit Card

Call the Thomas Entrepreneurship at 910 775 4065 to get the Account and Fund #.  Then call Cashier’s Office, 910-521-6855 and let them know you are making a payment for the facilities use of the Thomas Entrepreneurship Hub. Please email us back the receipt number that will be given.  

Mail Check

Mail to: Megan Strickland
UNCP Thomas E Hub
PO Box 1510, Pembroke, NC 28372

We are here to help!

For any questions or further assistance, please contact us at

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